Global Program managers course
Target Audience and scope:
Program manager is a unique role. It requires the unique ability of a strategic holistic view and at the same time a deep understanding of details. It also requires, by definition, multi-tasking, and a lot of it, understanding of many different professions to the level of being able to lead them (development, testing, PMO, migration, and many more), uncompromised governance capabilities, decisiveness, conflict management skills, and this is only a partial list.
This training is designed to give program managers (new or veterans to the role) the knowledge, tools and skill set they need to control the rhythm of the program, to succeed in their role, and to enjoy it.
So which training can help?
First, learning and understanding the program streams. Good understanding of timeline challenges, nature of activities, techniques and common risks, is the must.
Then, of course, Governance. Good hold of different governance methods and tools, new and old for programs at different sizes and shapes.
Also, a unique governance is needed for specific program streams since they are by definition at higher risk and can be the make or break of the program – Scoping, Development, migration for example. Knowing these specifics is crucial as it allows the Program manager to better control, challenge and lead the program.
Last but not least - Soft skills, in the case of program managers there are few that should be always worked on, no matter how known they are – prioritization, conflict management, teams motivation, and more.
Main subjects on the syllabus:
Unique value!
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